Vision, Mission & Core Values
To be primary marketer for safe and high quality consumer products with a competitive price and high benefits for the community.
To improve sustainable performance by ulitilizing resources and technology to meet customers satisfaction and enhance the society and the shareholders values.
The work culture is strongly related to the perception of values and the environment. The perception has create the meaning and philosophy of life which will affect employees attitudes and behavior and their work management.
Work culture "TIKED" All levels of management and the entire company unit has been pledged and committed to continue implementing and apply the work culture "TIKED" into the values and attitudes behavioral perspective on day-to-day activities inside the company.
T - Responsibility
Perform the assignment as well as possible so that bring up trust to others (executives, subordinates and co-workers).
I - Initiative
Inspiring and encouraging colleagues so any effort that we execute will give the best result for the company progress and career.
K - Cooperation
We believe that between co-workers interactions are required combination of mutual trust, sincerity, advice and synergy to lead a better work at completing tasks.
E - Ethics
Every person has dignity. Treat them well as you want to be treated.
D - Discipline
Discipline is the key to winning the competition because it is part of the work professionalism.