GMS is an organ of the company which has the supreme power in the Company and holds all authority which cannot be delegated to the Directors or the Board of Commissioners.
GMS as an organ of the Company is the place for shareholders to make important decisions related to capital invested in the company, in accordance with statements in Articles of Association and prevailing regulations. The decisions made by GMS must be based on the interests of long-term Company businesses.
Authority held by GMS includes appointing and dismissing members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, evaluating the performance of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, approving amendments to the Articles of Association, approving the Annual Report and determining the form and amount of remuneration for members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, as well as making decisions related to corporate actions or other strategic matters proposed by the Board of Directors. Resolutions made by the GMS are based on the interests of the Company. Without diluting either the power and authority of the GMS, the GMS or shareholders may not intervene against the duties, functions and authority of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors in carrying out obligations and rights in accordance with the Articles of Association and prevailing regulations.
GMS and or shareholders may not intervene against the duties, functions and authority of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors in carrying out obligations and rights in accordance with the Articles of Association and prevailing regulations. The decision making of GMS is fair and transparent.